Client echo.
How does this sound to you?
This is where both my clients and suppliers from the past 20 years tell their side of the story. Dialogue Projects clients remain anonymous, as naming them is unwise due to the strategic nature of the support I provide. And I am looking forward to reading your comments here soon too!

Karin Maria Schertler, Managing Director
serviceplan one GmbH, Munich"I have always experienced Helen Deacon as a very competent and enthusiastic business partner. And that’s not all – she’s also fun to work with."

"We appointed Dialogue Projects after a client recommendation. Our brief as the UK’s biggest insert media booker: Is there an opportunity in Germany and can we find a performance edge? Helen’s answer was positive to both. Hence we went live in November 2013 with offices in Cologne. Helen pushed the project forward keeping to a time plan and directly introduced us to potential clients and suppliers too. In fact she was so good, we’re extending her contract to help build the business."

Jon Sawyer, Director White Horse Direct Marketing, Brisbane, Australia
"As International Marketing Director of Rodale Books International (based in London) I appointed Helen to head the data acquisition effort for our launch in Germany. This role included sourcing suitable lists, negotiating price and terms, as well as organising delivery. I found Helen to be extremely knowledgeable and insightful, responsive to our needs, and very capable in juggling the complexities associated with actioning high volume campaigns. Helen’s contribution was undoubtedly significant in our successful market testing and subsequent rollout, which through rapid growth led to the acquisition of a c. 500,000 buyer base. As well as being highly professional, Helen is an absolute pleasure to work with and I recommend her without hesitation."

"Whilst planning our international expansion Helen put us into contact with valuable business partners in France, Italy and Spain, all of whom are experienced DM professionals. That really impressed me. When I told her „Dubai is next. Can you help us Queen D?“ I didn’t count on her saying yes, so I nearly fell off my chair when she did. She is awesome!"

Joanna Reynolds, Managing Director ReynoldBusbyLee Ltd, London (ex-International Marketing Director, HCI Direct, Bensalem, USA)
"Silkie's direct mail acquisition was driven by a very clear method of developing individual score cards for each rented list. The score cards incorporated customer characteristics provided by the list owner and the German market had never worked with this approach. It required a direct marketing professional with outstanding ability and negotiating skills to work with the list owners. Helen Deacon was perfect for this role. She handled our campaigns as a remote extension to our UK and US offices and we owe a great deal of Silkie's success in the data field to Helen's personal contribution."

"After searching for months to find a DM professional, it was recommended to me to contact Helen Deacon. Helen gave sound advice from the initial client meeting and knows the DM market inside and out. She also understands the cultural differences which are essential for success in the German marketplace. Driven by results and with a clear passion for her clients, Helen’s work opened up many doors for my business and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to anyone who is looking for an inspirational German marketing campaign strategy. Helen is a pleasure to work with and a consummate professional."

Alexander Huscheck, Managing Director
pb direkt GmbH, Korntal-Münchingen"Our first joint project was a very complicated scoring application for Helen’s client HCI Silkies. That was back in 1998 and it was the first project of its kind in Germany to use list owner characteristics and it was a great challenge. Helen has a very pleasant and inspiring personality. She has an excellent knowledge of direct marketing and an abundance of ideas. One of her strengths is her dedication to her clients – she aims to make the impossible possible. Working with her is fun whilst at the same time constructive, professional and fair. I can recommend her without hesitation and I am very pleased that we are already working on several projects with her and Dialogue Projects."

"Using her market knowledge and industry experience, Helen researched and evaluated market data efficiently and reliably. She structured and summarised the results, interpreted the key findings and presented everything in a very convincing manner. In doing so, she provided optimal premises for sound strategic decisions."

Brigitte Rieser, Senior Manager Direct Sales Sky Österreich GmbH, Vienna, Austria
"Helen Deacon and her team were a tremendous support to me in my role as Marketing Campaign Leader at Greenpower B.V.. The seasonal planning was always completed on time and I could rely on a permanent flow of innovative ideas to distribute the very high circulation of inserts."

"Thanks to Dialogue Projects we were able to execute a lead generating email campaign in the UK within one week. The email template and landing page really hit the nerve of our British target audience. The conversion rate beat the German campaign, which served as the benchmark."

Kay Nicolai, Managing Director Versa Distanzhandel GmbH, Flensburg
"I was very sceptical about scorecards due to a bad experience with a data provider. However Helen Deacon’s in-depth knowledge and friendly yet persistent manner convinced me to try a new test series and I can say that our joint scoring projects were very successful!"

"We had already invested resources and then we hit the crossroads: are we going to move up a gear in sales or should we forget it? Helen quickly drew up a plan, discussed the details with us and we delivered the relevant product information. Her conversations with prospects generated valuable insights with regards to both our product and the market situation. Naturally we would have preferred a different outcome – we decided to discontinue the product – however, without Helen’s support we would have been plagued with not knowing what to do, no doubt inhibiting us for other new ideas. Looking at it like this, Helen’s recommendation was very liberating for our business."

Thomas Lammoth, previous Owner and Managing Director Lammoth Mailkonzept, Werbeagentur für Dialogmarketing GmbH, Wiesbaden
"Even the best concept and the most convincing arguments are deemed to fail if the target group doesn’t fit. At Lammoth Mailkonzept we relied on Helen Deacon’s professional and strategic knowledge for campaigns with over 3 million mailings per year. Her choice of scoring applications, test schedules and the relevant mix of channels – not forgetting her reliability for budgets and deadlines – contributed to the long term success of our direct mail campaigns. It’s clear that she is absolutely behind everything she does in the direct marketing field and that her work means far more to her than just a job. Our relationship was one of utter trust in her profound market knowledge and was characterised by genuine likeability."

"I was really desperate to get this project moving: I knew want I wanted and I knew how to get there, but everyone in the company already had more than enough to do. I couldn’t release anyone from their current job who was capable of handling this project cleverly on their own. I feared the whole thing would just fizzle out. The idea to give you the contract came over night and I never regretted it for a second – well, other than when you were chasing me to make decisions. But that was the secret behind our success and this always gave me the good feeling that you’ll work it all out. You used the freedom to develop your own plan, but you always knew when to get me involved. You always had your eye on what we were aiming for and you didn’t stop until we landed the first order. Many thanks for your help."

Petra Klüners, Owner
Fundraising Profile GmbH, Köln"Helen Deacon is a warm-hearted and friendly person. Her manner and her enthusiasm for everything she is involved in, are key elements of her success."
I invite you to contact me to explore how we can work together in the future. And of course I am very interested in hearing your personal echo regarding Dialogue Projects.